

Rocking the Lovie Awards (5x)
Image collage with a laptop showing a part of the KKL B2B page, the loves awards logo in the middle & a smartphone showing a tutorialscreen from the B-Lab Choose better experience

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&whys' awards at the Lovies 2023

We've just wrapped up this year's Lovies, and wow, it was a blast! It's been a fantastic journey, and it gave us the opportunity to take a breather and reflect on what we learned from this process and what are the key aspects we believe brought out the best possible collaboration between us and our clients.

Unified Teamwork: Our approach goes beyond mere collaboration. We strive for deep trust and integration, effectively functioning as a single unit. This level of teamwork ensures that everyone's expertise is fully leveraged, leading to more innovative outcomes.
Calculated Risk-Taking: Embracing risks is integral to our process. While data is crucial, there are moments when instinct and creativity need to take the lead. Partnering with clients who share this boldness allows us to venture into uncharted territories, resulting in truly original and impactful work.
Commitment to Quality: A shared appreciation for innovation and design is vital. We align with partners who understand the significance of these elements in creating lasting impact. This mutual understanding is what elevates our projects from good to extraordinary.

Now, let’s give some space to each member of the team who worked on this project and hear firsthand what they say!
Lara Merkel-Tytus, CSMO, KKL Luzern:
"The collaboration with &why was great from the very first moment. They immediately understood our needs and those of our customers.
Together we have created a digital B2B experience that not only has an outstanding design and usability but also generates great added value and brings us new event inquiries and generally supports sales. When working with &why, you can feel the joy of every team member, the team spirit and the great creativity and know-how of the different personalities. I would say they are our perfect match. Winning awards was never the aim of the KKL Luzern, but it is of course the cherry on top and very well deserved especially for &why and my great team who worked very hard and with a lot of love and passion on it."

Vera Seibel, Senior Art Director:
“What did the KKL design and I have in common at the beginning? A background in print and a certain love for expressive serif fonts.
I love the part of a project where you already got to know the team and brand in numerous calls and workshops: Goals are set, mission defined, and now it is time to let the visual brand reflect that vision. In case of KKL we made room for vibrant images and videos, smooth interactions and animations and opened up space for the refined typography concept. Along with the base of what was already there, we renewed the brand and took the first step to build that beautiful digital platform it is today. So happy to see the work we put in as a team getting rewarded!”

Viola Dollinger, Project Lead:
“To see, what we have achieved as a team at KKL and B-Corp, when everyone takes each other's perspective, when we combine all our passion and skills in the areas of conception, design, development, digital marketing and project management and the hard work is finally rewarded, is simply incredible. I am extremely proud of the entire &why team and look forward to future projects together. - Yes, dry project management can be a lot of fun and in very special cases, it can also have a metallic shine.”

Stefanie Hartl, Senior Marketing Manager:
“I’m so proud of what we’ve achieved as a team by (gracefully) throwing all our passions and talents together and merging them into something inspiring and meaningful! It’s an honor to be part of all that magic we created for KKL and B Corp and to be able to help drive that force by utilizing the powers of marketing in the best way. Thank you, Lovie Awards, for giving us the opportunity to show what we are capable of on the big stage!”

Jan Demmerle, Front End Development Lead:
“It’s been a childhood dream of mine to win a Lovie award… Jokes aside, it is extremely satisfying that our hard work is recognized in the web community. It makes me particularly proud that—with KKL and B-Corp’s Choose better—we received recognition for projects that best represent our diverse skillsets. By bringing together experts across design, business, and creative technology, we turned rough ideas into unique digital experiences. “

Juan Cuadrda, Lead Creative Technologist:
“it’s so exciting to see where this journey has taken us at &why! We are at a point where our skillsets have grown exponentially and I feel there is nothing our team can’t achieve, and these two projects are a proof of that. Too see both our our awarded projects have a 3D/threejs side to them that can compliment or lead our website projects to success is specifically rewarding for the creative technology team!”

Matteo Volani, Marketing Lead:
"I am a simple marketing guy... I dont design, and I don't code. Seeing what our team is capable of it's mind-blowing, every single time! We have a ton of cool ideas, but bringing them to life like we did for KKL & B Corp it's a whole different level of complexity and something to be super proud of! For B Corp especially, it's truly awesome to see how our work can educate vast audiences about conscious consumption and good choices."

Dario Sanchez, Creative Technologist:
“Working in such a design-intensive environment as a programmer is always as interesting as it is challenging.
We don’t always agree about what’s possible, but these discrepancies often drive us to push the limits and turn fantastic ideas into reality.
This was certainly true for KKL and B Corp - It’s been really exciting to see the impact these projects have already had for their respective brands. The fantastic reception and recognition we’re getting from reputable sources such as the Lovie Awards definitely add another level to that excitement!”

Alexander Dohr, CCO & Partner:
It’s rare that two teams can build trust so quickly and align on a vision for the future a few years down the road. With KKL Luzern, that’s exactly what happened. Together, our teams have been adding a piece to the puzzle month by month - never loosing sight of the immersive, dazzling, beautiful vision we’re creating together. So the lovies were a beautiful confirmation for our approach - and now we’re hard at work taking it one step further.

If you want your business to have a powerful digital presence and maybe even win an award or two, shoot us an email at or check out our cases for further inspiration: